Service Animal Exclusion Areas

Service animals and service animals in training are generally allowed wherever members of the public or program participants are allowed access. However, WSU maintains some facilities where the presence of a service animal/service animal in training may represent a direct threat to the safety of people or property or would constitute a fundamental alteration to the nature of the program. For these facilities, WSU may implement a Service Animal Exclusion Area. Such a designation must be approved by the Service Animal Administrator following the process outlined in Executive Policy 39, the WSU Service and Support Animal Policy.

Current designated Service Animal Administrators

ADA Coordinator

Kiara Drake

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

Jason Sampson

Other campus safety and security personnel, as needed.

Request a Service Animal Exclusion Area

To request that the university consider implementing a Service Animal Exclusion Area, the senior administrator responsible for the program or facility must complete the form below.

List of Current Approved Service Animal Exclusion Areas

WSU Pullman

Steffen Center/WSU Arboretum – Wild Ungulate Facility

Description and map of the approved exclusion areas

Point of Contact for Assistance/Questions

John Fluegel, Manager

Steffen Center


Veterinary Teaching Hospital

Description and map of the approved exclusion area

Point of Contact for Assistance/Questions

Raelynn Farnsworth, Chief Medical Officer and Associate Dean of Clinical Programs,
Veterinary Teaching Hospital

College of Veterinary Medicine
