Parking and Visitor

Washington State University (WSU) includes a network of services to help students, employees, and other members of the university community have access to the university, its services, and events. The information below is intended to guide visitors to locate the appropriate resources to address their accessibility needs.

Parking and Transportation:

WSU Transportation Services maintains accessible parking and transportation information for individuals with disabilities, including students and employees.  For more information on parking regulations and accessible transportation information contact:

WSU Transportation Services Mailing Address:

WSU Transportation Services
1040 NE Colorado St
PO Box 645500
Pullman, WA 99164-5500

WSU Transportation Services Contact

Phone: 509-335-PARK (7275)

Weekend Info: 509-335-INFO (4636)

Fax: 509-335-1316


Website: Transportation

Visitor Transportation Needs:

WSU Transportation Services arranges reasonable accommodations for WSU sponsored services, interviews, and public events. Individuals or departments requesting disability accommodations should contact Transportation Services at (509) 335-PARK (7275) (see additional contact information above).