Resources for Students

Pregnant students and those experiencing pregnancy-related conditions have a right to equal access to all WSU programs and services. Under Title IX (a federal law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex) and implementing regulations, students may seek pregnancy-related modifications, resources, and protections.

At WSU, we are committed to ensuring equal treatment and access for all students, including those who are pregnant or have related conditions. When WSU is informed of a student’s pregnancy or related condition, we will:

  • Provide information about WSU’s obligations and protections under Title IX
  • Collaborate with the student to determine reasonable modifications to ensure equal access to all WSU programs
  • Prevent and address sex discrimination
  • Treat pregnancy or related conditions in the same manner as any other temporary medical condition

The WSU Title IX Coordinator is responsible for ensuring student rights and can be contacted at, 509-335-8288.

Eligibility for reasonable modifications

Students who disclose a pregnancy or related condition to WSU are eligible for reasonable modifications, to ensure access to WSU education programs and activities. Pregnancy or related conditions can include:

  • Pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation
  • Medical conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation, or
  • Recovery from pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, lactations, or related medical conditions

Reasonable modifications are only available to students who are pregnant or experiencing pregnancy-related conditions (not their partners, family members, or others not pregnant or experiencing pregnancy-related conditions).

Students are not required to use reasonable modifications if they don’t want to.

Modifications are not reasonable if they would fundamentally alter the nature of WSU’s education program or activity. Please note that reasonable modifications are not a substitute for childcare.

Types of reasonable modifications available

Reasonable modifications may include, but are not limited to:

  • Breaks during class to express breast milk, breastfeed, or attend to pregnancy-related health needs including eating, drinking, or using the restroom
  • Intermittent absences to attend medical appointments
  • Access to online or homebound education where medically necessary
  • Changes in schedule or course sequence
  • Extensions of time for coursework and rescheduling of tests and examinations
  • Allowing a student to sit or stand
  • Allowing a student to carry or keep water nearby
  • Counseling, where available
  • Changes in physical space or supplies
  • Elevator access
  • Voluntary access to separate and comparable programs
  • Voluntary leaves of absence
  • Other modifications to support the student’s access that do not fundamentally alter WSU’s education programs or activities

How to request reasonable modifications

To request modifications, students should contact their Access Center or Access Services office. Students are not required to provide verifying medical documentation to receive reasonable modifications.

Certifications to participate in programs and activities are not required unless:

  • The program mandates a certified level of physical ability or health,
  • Such certification applies universally to all participating students, and
  • Certification is not used to discriminate.

In addition to the reasonable modifications described above, students with additional medical concerns may also be eligible for reasonable accommodations on the basis of a disability. Your Access Center or Access Services office can facilitate modifications or accommodations for pregnancy or related conditions, disabilities, psychological or medical conditions, or temporary injuries and conditions, with the goal of ensuring equal access to WSU programs and activities.

Students experiencing discrimination or harassment due to pregnancy or related conditions can seek supportive measures and resources or engage in the university’s grievance process by contacting Compliance and Civil Rights (CCR).

CCR carefully reviews concerns involving discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct. CCR conducts investigations and engages in alternative resolution processes, as needed.

You can reach CCR at:

  • Online (preferred reporting channel): Online Reporting/Complaint Form
  • Phone: 509-335-8288
  • Email: or
  • In person: French Administration Building, Suite 220, WSU-Pullman
  • Mail: WSU Compliance and Civil Rights, PO Box 641022, Pullman, WA 99164-1022

You may request additional support from a variety of university resources. Student Affairs employees can help you navigate university resources, policies, and academic regulations. The below offices work with university and community partners, to advise students about services, resources, and options that support their success and provide guidance and assistance during times of challenge, crisis, complexity, or emergency.

Pullman, Global, Bremerton, or Extension

  • Office of the Dean of Students: ODOS can help students navigate university resources, including support with academics, finances, basic needs, emergency funding, and crisis situations.
  • WSU Family Housing: WSU-owned and operated studios and multi-bedroom units available for WSU students and their families
  • Cougar Health Services: Gynecological & Sexual Health for All Genders: CHS offers a variety of gynecological services including pregnancy testing, options counseling, birth control, Plan B, STI treatment.
  • WSU Women*s Center: This center offers a range of resources including food assistance, activity space, and skill building. Their website includes information on lactation spaces, student rights and support for pregnant and parenting students.
  • Cougar Accessible Transportation Services (CATS): CATS offers accessible transportation on campus to students with permanent or temporary mobility disabilities/conditions.
  • Children’s Center: The Children’s Center provides care for the children of WSU students, staff, and faculty; serving children from the age of 6 weeks through 12 years (5th grade). Students may be eligible for discounted rates.
  • Lactation Spaces: Find designated lactation spaces on your campus at the link.


Spokane and Yakima



The following external resources may be helpful to students who are experiencing pregnancy or related conditions: